There are stories in these lovely woods.

A Tome for the Ages

The hardcover of Nevertold: The Son is complete and available for purchase. Not only is it designed in mind to appear like a worn tome, but it also includes newly added images and a revamped interior! We heard your feedback and added a glossary about Nevold and its Wonders. Included are terms, phonetic spellings, and proper pronunciations for some of the words unique to Nevold.

You can buy a signed copy from our Store or a copy (unsigned) from our Amazon!

Audiobook cover for Nevertold book with Son and Mother standing back to back. Mother looking at you and son looking away.


With a runtime of just over 8 hours, the first audio experience in the world of Nevold is now available for purchase and download through Amazon and Audible. A great way to make use of an extra Audible credit! You’ll hear all of the characters come to life as narrated and read by M.R. and Cait Moraine.

You’ll find the first three chapters of our dramatic reading available right on our website along with the text version. Don’t forget to leave a review on Amazon and Goodreads, or feel free to reach out to us through our contact form on our website. We would love to hear from you.

Our very first, published title!

Explore the world of Nevertold 

In Nevertold: The Son, a rare male born to a hidden tribe begins a journey destined to branch into an intricate epic in this first part of the sprawling fantasy world of Nevold.